How do we book in a property?
To Book appointments simply call, message or email and we will respond with available upcoming dates. Booking is based on a first come first served basis as we know most bookings are done week by week.
How many properties can you film in a day?
We advise and discuss this prior to bookings but we suggest depending on size of properties/locations we can film a max of 2/4 properties per day.
Do you charge for travel?
All travel above 15 miles is charged at 0.45per mile. This will be discussed prior to our booking as we do offer variable rates for weekly custom.
How long does it take for Video to be turned around?
To manage the expectations of your vendors and yourselves we have a turnaround time of 5/7 days.
We charge extra costs if you require a video to be turned around in less than 24/48hrs.
Cancellations / Vendors?
Cancellations made 24hrs before booking will have no charge. We charge half the rate for any cancellations within the 24hr period or if the vendor doesn’t attend agreed booking time.
Weather conditions?
We monitor the weather on a day to day basis, most weather conditions are okay but in some cases we will call the agent and discuss best plan and solution.
If cancellation can’t be made as vendors have staged their house then we will film no matter what circumstances.